When I lost my father on March 5, 2000, my brothers and myself donated
to the Taotan Project in Laos to build an elementary school in memory of
my father. A famous Japanese singer, Shin-ichi Mori, also donated to this
project together with us. I was surprised that donations from our two families
were enough to finance building the school, including all the equipment.
As for why we chose to help build the elementary school, my father had
lost his parents in his youth and was raised with support from the Matsuyama
Domain. He regarded education as one of the most important elements for
his children’s life, probably because he had studied under adversity when
he was young. In March 2001, just one year following my father’s death,
the Taotan Elementary School was completed. We hope many children in Laos
study at this school and someday contribute to the world peace.
旧校舎 Old schoolhouse
生徒たち Pupils
工事進行中 Under construction as of Nov. 2000
新校舎 New schoolhouse
教室の中 A classroom
贈与式・開校式典 Donation Party in Laos
二列目右端が雅夫、後列右端が徹平。Party to
see off the delegation to Laos with singer
Shinichi Mori and his wife.